Pre WOD:

Power Clean

5 set*4 Low Hang Power Cleans

Start at 65% and build up to a heavy 4 rep


A, 4 set*5 Back Squat 75%

B, 2-2-2-3 min Amrap
15/12 Cal Row
12 CTB Pull Ups
Max Alt DB Snatches 22.5/15 kg (50/35 lbs)
Rest 1 min in between sets

Post WOD:

Core Accessories:
𝗔, 𝟯 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀
10-20 sec Hollow Hold
Roll over
10-20 sec Superman Hold
Roll over
10-20 Hollow Rocks
Roll over
10-20 Superman Rocks
Same sequence back to start=1 round

Rest 60 sec between rounds

*See video for movements and to follow along for 1 round. Adjust seconds to
something you can do unbroken each round:

𝗕, 𝟮-𝟯 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀
20 sec Side Plank (right side)
10 Deep Side Raises (right side)
10 Shallow Side Raises (right side)
10 Leg Lifts (left leg)
20 sec Side Plank (left side)
10 Deep Side Raises (left side)
10 Shallow Side Raises (left side)
10 Leg Lifts (right leg)

Rest 60 sec between rounds

*See video for movements and to follow along for 1 round. Adjust seconds and reps to
something you can do unbroken each round:

Monthly Challenge Mobility Video: SHOULDERS