Pre WOD:
EMOM 16 min:
1, 3 Squat Snatch 72%
2, 2 Squat Snatch+
3, 1 Squat Snatch+
4, Rest
4 Waves where you increase weight for every set and building up to a heavy of the day
* Try to go slightly heavier than last week for each weight
Partner Workout (You go/I Go)
3 sets:
10 min Amrap
10/8 Cal Erg
8 Wall Ball 9/6 kg (20/14 lbs)
8 CTB Pull Ups
8 HR Push Ups
– Rest 3 min in between sets
* Partners does every Other Round
Post WOD:
3 Rounds:
1 min Double Pigeon Stretch
1 min Saddel Stretch
1 min Table Front Rack Stretch
– rest as needed between rounds
Double Pigeon Stretch:
Saddle Stretch:
Table Front rack Stretch: