Pre WOD:

A, EMOM 5 min:
3 Snatch Balance

– Build weight form 55% of 1 RM Snatch

B, 6 sets:
1 Squat Snatch+1 Hang Squat Snatch+1 Overhead Squat

– Build weight from 68% of 1 RM Snatch

C, 3 set*1 Paused Snatch Pull

2 sec pause below knee

Build weight from 102% of 1 RM Snatch


Teams of 3 Workout:
30 min:
1, Max Cal Row
2, Amrap:
20 Wall Ball 9/6 kg
15 Hang Snatches 40/25 kg
10 Shuttle Runs (2*7.5 m)

Score 1: Cal Row
Score 2: Reps in Amrap

Post WOD:

3 Rounds:
1 min Double Pigeon Stretch
1 min Saddel Stretch
1 min Table Front Rack Stretch

– rest as needed between rounds

Double Pigeon Stretch:
Saddle Stretch:
Table Front rack Stretch: