As we transition from our recent strength-focused training block that
lasted for 12 weeks and resulted in a lot of PR:s in our base lifts,we have
now built a good foundation for our next training block: Olympic lifting
(OLY) block combined with classic CrossFit elements.
The reason we do it this way where we first build a lot of strength and
then move into an Olympic lifting block is that we very often see that
when we have built more strength, it is easier for us to hold good
positions and of course to develop more power.
The Olympic Lifting Block:
The Olympic lifting block is structured in a way where we start to build a
good solid foundation in our technique and then gradually increases the
weight more and more.
In order to make sure that we get enough volume of OLY in but that we
also build our general fitness each week will have two days of olympic
lifting in the class and additional 2 sessions for the Pre WOD. If you really
want to focus on the lifts during this period we recommend to include the
pre wod during this block.
In the last page of this PDF you can see a Template Overview to help you
plan for which sessions you will prioritize during this block
We will have two phases during our OLY Block:
Phase 1 (Weeks 48-51): Higher Reps and Position Work
In the first four weeks, we will focus heavily on positions, specifically
targeting improved stability in the overhead position which we need for
both the Snatch and the Jerk. You will see this mainly by us adding a lot
of repetitions into especially our Snatch and Jerk Complex that you will
see both in Pre/Post and the daily workouts. Do not focus too much on
weight lifted during this phase but rather to move as good as possible
and for example a good goal could be to week by week move faster
under the bar.
Break: Week 52-01:
Because we know that during the Christmas and New Years a lot of
you train less we are taking a pause from the Specific OLY focus during
these weeks and instead doing a high variety of workouts to keep our
fitness where it is. We will of course lift during this period but not in the
same progressive way as the four weeks before and after.
Phase 2 (Weeks 02-05): Lower Reps, Higher Loads
After a short two-week break over the Christmas and New Year
holidays, we’ll return to more focused Olympic lifting work, but this time
with a shift in intensity where we do less reps and heavier loads. During
this block we are doing a lot of the full Clean & Jerk and Snatch and less
variations of the lifts.
Individual adjustments for the OLY Block:
While the focus for our first phase of the OLY block is to get better at
getting under the bar and to improve the Squat Snatch there is not a
requirement in Olympic Lifting to do a Squat Snatch, the requirement is
to catch the bar on straight arms. If you struggling in getting down in
the squat or if you get Shoulder Pain when pushing yourself deeper we
recommend experimenting with the Split Snatch that puts the shoulder
in a better position with less risk. Athletes can often feel a lot more
mastery when they try this out after struggling with the Squat Snatch
for several years.
Tuesday Pre-WOD: Ring Muscle-Up Progression
Ring Muscle Up is a movement that we very rarely do in the WODs but
we also know that it is a movement that many of you really want to
learn. Because of this we will have a set Muscle Up Progression on
Tuesdays in our Pre WOD. This progression has multiple Levels both for
the ones that already can do Muscle Ups and for the ones trying to
learn. And the goal is for you to try to make small progress week by
Post WOD: More similar Week to Week
During this block the Post WOD workouts will be similar week by week.
The reason for this is that we want to make it more easy for you to
take ownership over your progressions. Each week you should try to
improve from last time and you can do this by:
1, Increase reps
2, Increase weight
3, Increase Range of Motion
New style of Sunday Workout: “Bang for the Back Sunday”
Our Sunday class during this period will look a little different. After a 15
min warm up you will jump straight into the workout and the workout
will from here be a fast paced workout where usually will mix 3
different elements with a Strength EMOM, Conditioning EMOM and a
Core/Accessory EMOM in the end. The goal here is to get a lot of very
useful training in that’s a little different from the other WODS we do
and the goal is that this should assist us in providing a variation that will
give us a different stimuli to our fitness at the same time as it sets us
up for a new training week.
Notable Workouts and Testing Days
We will test our new 1 RM Clean & Jerk and Snatch in week 05. Here are
the exact dates of both these test and some other notable workouts
and Fitness Level Benchmarks that we will do during this block:
Friday November 29th: “Karen” (150 WB for time)
Friday December 21 st: Shoulders from Colorado
Monday December 23 rd: 12 Days of Christmas
Monday January 27 th: 1 RM Clean & jerk+ Grettel
Friday January 31st; 1 RM Snatch