Pre WOD:
“* No Pre WOD today, Instead add som extra time to prepare for todays 1 RM Pull up
A, Test: 1 RM Weighted Pull Ups
B, EMOM 20 min:
1, 7.6 Box Jump Overs 24/20 inch
2, 6.5 Power Snatches 40/25 kg (90/55 lbs)
3, 7.6 Toes to Bar
4, 7.6 Power Clean 40/25 kg (90/55 lbs)
5, Rest
.= Start at 30 sec mark
Post WOD:
Upper Body Accessories 1A
1-3 Rounds for quality:
12/12 Seated SA DB External Rotation
15/15 Banded Internal Roation
30/30 sec Lat Stretch
30-60 sec Passive Supinated Hang