Pre WOD:
Overhead Strength:
1, 3 set*5 Push Press From Behind the Neck 60%
2, 4 set*4 Push Jerk 80%+
A, Power Cleans:
6 set*1.1 Power Cleans
.=15 sec rest
Start at 70% and build up top a heavy double
B, 2 Rounds of:
1, 3 min Amrap:
3 Thrusters 40/25 kg (90/55 lbs)
6 Pull Ups
2, 3 min Amrap:
3 Power Cleans 40/25 kg (90/55 lbs)
6 Lateral Burpee over Bar
Post WOD:
Core B
E30sec for 8 min (2 rounds)
1, 10-20 sec Single Leg Sling Plank
2, 10-20 sec Single Leg Copenhagen Plank
3, 10-20 sec Single Leg Reverse Plank
4, 10-20 sec Single Leg Side Plank
– Switch Sides after a full round
Try to increase seconds every other week but make sure to focus more on quality movement than time