Pre WOD:
4 sets*6 Z Press
Adjust to RIR 2 (try use same weights as 2 you did 2 Weeks ago (Mon 19th Aug))
A, Front Squat
4 sets*2 Paused Front Squats
83% of 1 RM Front Squat
1 Sec Pause in bottom
B, 3 set*3 min Amrap:
5 Thrusters 40/25 kg
6 FR Reverse Lunges 40/25 kg
7 Lateral Burpees
8 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 min between sets
Weight in Pounds: 95/55 lbs
Post WOD:
Leg Accessories:
3 Rounds for quality
8/8 SL Lateral Box Step Ups
15/15 Banded Hamstring Curl
Adjust intensity to RIR 2