Pre WOD:
Upper Body Push/Pull:
E90sec for 12 min (4 sets)
1, 5+ Strict Weighted Pronated Pull Up
2, 5+ Deficit Strict HSPU
Do 5 reps every set and then on last set do max rep.
Use a weight where you think you will be able to do 7-8 reps the last set
A, Squat Volume Collector
EMOM 12 min:
1: 10 Front Squats 60% for max speed
2: 20 Jumping Lunges for max height
3: 30 Air Squats for max speed
4: Rest
B, Capacity EMOM
EMOM 16 Min:
1: 15/12Cal Row
2: 12 Burpee to Target
3: 14 Alt DB Hang Clean & Jerk
22.5/15 kg
4: Rest
Post WOD:
60 min Zone 1-2 on Optional Erg/Run