Pre WOD:
5 sets:
3*1 Snatch High Pull+1 Squat Snatch
70% of 1 RM
For each set you do: 1 Snatch High Pull+1 Squat Snatch+1 Snatch High Pull+1 Squat Snatch+1 Snatch High Pull+1 Squat Snatch.
Keep the same weight and try to get better and better reps
A, Capacity Strength Workout:
EMOM 12 min:
1, 5 Deadlift 65%+
2, 5 Ring Dips+10 sec Support Hold
3, 5 Paused Pull Ups (1 sec pause at top and bottom)
4, rest
B, 5 Rounds for time:
10 Power Snatch 40/25 kg
10 Push ups
10 Pull-ups
TC: 12 min
Post WOD:
Upper Body Accessories
1-3 Rounds for quality:
12/12 Seated SA DB External Rotation
15/15 Banded Internal Roation
30/30 sec Lat Stretch
30-60 sec Passive Supinated Hang