Pre WOD:

Pressing Strength:
4 sets*5 Z Press
* Adjust Weight to RIR 2 (Start around 70% of your 1 RM Press)


A, Back Squat 3 sets*12 reps 68%
Rest 3 min in between sets (RIR 3)

B, 12 min Amrap:
4/4 SA DB Thruster 22.5/15 kg
4 Lateral Burpee over Dumbbell
+4 reps after every round.

Post WOD:

Core 1: E30sec for 6
1, 10-20 sec L Sit
2, 20 sec of max V ups
3, 20-20 sec Hollow Rock
4, Rest
* Try to increase seconds and reps every other week