Pre WOD:
E2MOM for 12 min:
1 Power Snatch+1 Low Hang Squat Snatch
Start at 65% and build up for every set where you are happy with your form
E2MOM for 6 min:
1 Snatch Pull+1 Low Hang Snatch Pull
105%+ (Build up as heavy as form allows)
Partner Workout:
Amrap 30 min:
Teams of 3
2 Working/1 Rowing
Max Rounds:
2 Synchro Wall Walks
4 Synchro Alt DB Squat Clean 22.5/15
6 Synchro Alt DB Devil Press 22.5/15 kg
Part B:
Max Cal Row
Score 1: Max Rounds
Score 2: Max Cal Row
Post WOD:
For completion:
50 Barbell Biceps Curl
50 Barbell Skull Crushers