Pre WOD:

E2MOM for 16 min (4 rounds)
1, 5 Seated Strict Barbell Press 70%+
2, 10 meter Bent Over Hand Over Hand Sled Pull
– Build up to a heavy 5 rep Seated Strict Press and a heavy but unbvroken 10 meter Hand over Hand


A, Front Squats:
4 set*3 Front Squat 85%+
B, 10 Rounds for time:
2 Wall Walks
10 Alt Dumbbell Snatches 1*22.5/15 kg
Cap 15 min

Post WOD:

Sling Stability:
2-3 Rounds for quality
15/15 Sec Sling Side Plank
15/15 sec Sling Copenhagen Plank
15/15 sec Sling Reverse Plank
15/15 sec Sling Plank