Pre WOD:

A:5 sets*2 Hang Power Snatch 75%+ (of 1 RM Power Snatch)
B, 3 sets*3 Snatch Pull 105% of 1 RM Snatch
C, Push Press: EMOM 8 min: 1 Push Press

– Goal to build up to a heavier total than 2 weeks ago


Teams of 3 AMRAP
35 min amrap: 
1. Max cal Row
2. Max Rounds: 
15 Push Jerk 50/35kg
20 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders

Score= Total Numbers of Calories + Reps in A2
Splitt reps and stations as needed.
One works at the rower and one on the Max rounds at the same time.

Post WOD:

Upper Body Circuit:
3 Rounds:
12/12 SA DB Biceps Curl on GHD
12/12 SA DB Tricep Overhead Extension
12/12 SA DB Lateral Raises

Lower Body Circuit:
3 Rounds:
40 Sec Sandbag Bearhug Hold
20 Sec L Sit
Do a linear progression and either increase reps or weight from 2 weeks ago