Pre WOD:

5 sets*2 rep Deadlift
80%+ Stay at RIR 3-4 in order to be ready for todays Back Squat


A, Push Press:
5 Sets:
5-4-3-2-1 reps Push Press
Start at 70% and Build up to todays heavy

B, EMOM 14 min
1, 6 Box Jump Overs 24/20 inch+Max Toes to Bar
2, 2 Wall Walks+Max Line Facing Burpees
Score = Total reps of Toes to Bar+Line
Facing Burpees

Post WOD:

Shoulder Health:
3 Rounds for quality:
1 min Front Rack Table Stretch
12/12 Rear Delt Raises on Bench
12/12 SA Tricep Overhead Extension