Pre WOD:
A, EMOM 5 min:
3 Muscle Clean 40%+ of 1 RM Clean
B, E2MOM for 10 min:
3 Hang Power Clean
Start at 70% of 1 RM Clean and increase to a heavy 3 rep
A, 4 set*3 Paused Back Squat
2 sec Pause in the bottom of each rep
Weight: 75%/RIR2
B, EMOM 18 min: For max reps
1, CTB Pull Ups
2, Wall Ball 9/6 kg
3, Deadlift 50/35 kg
4, Med Ball Sit Ups 9/6 kg
5, Hang Power Cleans 50/35 kg
6, Rest
Post WOD:
Shoulder Health:
3 Rounds for quality:
60 sec Front Rack Table Stretch
12/12 High Elbow External Rotation
12/12 High Elbow Internal Rotation
FR Table Stretch:
High Elbow Ext Rotation:
High Elbow Int Rotation: