Pre WOD:
Power Snatch:
A, EMOM 5 min:
1 Muscle Snatch+3 Snatch Push jerk
60% of 1 RM Muscle Snatch
B, E90sec for 12 min: 1 Power Snatch+1 Squat Snatch 83% of 1 RM
– Keep the same Weight for each set
C, 3 set*1 Snatch Pull 108% of 1 RM
– Focus on speed and perfect back
A, E90sec for 7.5 min (5 set)
1 Power Clean+3 Front Squats
Build from 75% of 1 RM Power clean to a heavy complex
B, Open 11.5:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Power Cleans 65/47 kg
10 Toes-To-Bars
15 Wall Balls Shots 9/6 kg
Post WOD:
Posterior Chain Accessories 1:
3 Rounds for quality:
12 Hip Thrust
6 Nordic Hamstring Curl Adjust to RIR 2
Hip Thrust:
Nordic Hamstring: