Pre WOD:

Power Clean & Jerk
A, EMOM 6 min:
1, 3 Clean Pull+3 Muscle Clean
2, 3 Strict Press in Split+3 Jerk Balance

B, E90sec for 9 min:
1 Power Clean+2 Split Jerk 70% of 1 RM Clean & Jerk
Increase weight if happy with both lifts


CF Specific Intervals
E2MOM for 32 min: (4 Rounds)
1, 6 Shuttle Runs (2*7.5m)+ Max Burpee Pull Ups
2, 6 Shuttle Runs (2*7.5m)+ Max Dumbbell Thrusters 1*22.5/15 kg
3, 6 Shuttle Runs (2*7.5m)+ Max Wall Walks
4, Rest
* No rest in between E2MOMs


Post WOD:

Core 2A: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep of:

Abmat Sit Ups
Hollow Rock