Pre WOD:

Daily Challenge: 10 min Air Squat Hold

Front Squat: EMOM 10 min: 1 Front Squat 80%+
* No pause in bottom but make sure you get all the way down to where you catch your Squat Clean
Build up to a heavy but safe Front Squat


Partner WOD:
20-19-18-17-16…..3-2-1 rep of:
Wall Balls 9/6 kg
Rowing Cal
American Kettlebell Swing 24/16 kg
Buy Out until Cap:
Max Burpee Over Rower
Cap 35 min

Score 1: Time
Score 2: Number of Burpee over rower

Post WOD:

A, 3 set*12 Bench Press 71%/RIR 2
B, 3 Rounds:
12 Barbell Biceps Curl
12 Skull Crushers