Pre WOD:

Daily Challenge: 10 min Air Squat Hold

E2MOM for 12 min:
3 Touch and Go Power Cleans
Build from 65% + to a heavy 3 rep


A, Back Squat:
4 sets*5 Rep Back Squat 77%/RIR2

B, 3 sets of: 4* 30 sec work/30 sec rest
4 Single Arm Devil press 22.5/15 kg
Max Burpee Shuttle Runs 7.5 m 
Rest 1 min between each of the 3 sets
* Devil Press: Same Arm for all 4 reps, switch arms each round

Post WOD:

3 Rounds:
20 sec Hollwo Flutter Kicks
Rest 10 sec
20 sec Hollow In & Outs
Rest 10 sec
20 sec V Ups
Rest 3 min between rounds
* Same time as last time where you try to do more/better reps