Pre WOD:
Daily Challenge: 10 min Air Squat Hold
Back Squats: 5 sets*3 Back Squat 80%/RIR 2-3
Focus on lifting as fast as possible on the way up
Every 4.5 min for 36 min (2 Rounds)
1, Amrap 3 min:
3 Push Jerk 50/35 kg
6 Box Jump Overs 24/20 inch
2, Amrap 3 min:
9 Pull Ups
8/6 Cal Optional Erg
3, Amrap 3 min:
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 inch
6 Power Clean 50/35 kg
4, Amrap 3 min:
12 Toes to Bar
8/6 Cal Optional Erg
Post WOD:
3 Rounds:
20 sec Straddle Raises
10 sec Rest
20 sec Straddle Hollow Rock
10 sec rest
20 sec Straddle Hollow Rock
Rest 2 min
* Work your way gradually more and more out to the sides on this one for the next 4 weeks
* Same time as last time where you try to do more/better reps