Pre WOD:

Daily Challenge: 10 min Air Squat Hold

“Level 3:
6 Rounds for time:
10 meter Handstand Walk
5 Ring Muscle Ups

Level 2:
6 Rounds for time:
5 meter Handstand Walk
2 Ring Muscle Ups
1 min rest in between sets

Level 1:
EMOM 12 min:
1, 3 Attempt Handstand Walk to Wall
2, 5 Jumping Ring Muscle Up
3, 1-3 Wall Walks
4, 10-20 sec Ring Support”


A, E2MOM for 12 min: (3 sets each)
1, 5 TNG Deadlift 70%+
2, 1 min Amrap: X Dumbbell Floor Press 2*22.5/15 kg
X= Lowest number of reps on any round

B, E2MOM for 12 min:
1, 2 min Amrap:
5 Shuttle Runs (2*7 m)
5/5 SA DB Font Rack Box Step Ups 22.5/15 kg

2, 2 min Amrap:
30 Double Unders
5/5 SA DB Farmers Reverse Alt Lunges 22.5/15 kg
* No rest in between amraps

Post WOD:

Zone 1-2 Add On:
30-60 min Zone 1-2 workout
Choose the thing you need the most of:
Add this as its own session during one day of the week