Pre WOD:

Daily Challenge: 10 min Air Squat Hold

A, EMOM 5 min:
1 Muscle Snatch 1 Superslow Overhead Squat
* 10 sec down+10 sec up 60%+ of Muscle Snatch

B, EMOM 10 min:
1 Paused Snatch Balance 3 sec Hold in bottom position 70%+ of 1 RM snatch (Weights is very individual here)
C, E2MOM for 6 min: 3 Snatch Pull 105%+ of 1 RM Snatch


Teams of 3
For time:
1, 100 KB Deadlift 2*32/24 kg+200 Double Unders
2, 100 DB Box Step Up 1*22.5/15 kg,
24/20 inch+50 Handstand Push Ups
3, 100 Thrusters 30/20 kg+50 Pull Ups
4, 100 Clear the Box Box Jump Overs
24/20+40 Shuttle Runs (2*7.5m)

Cap 32 min

Buy Out to Cap: Max Cal Row


Pre WOD:

A, 40 Dumbbell Bench Press for time Break= 1 min rest
* Choose a weight where you think you will use 3-4 sets

B, 3 Rounds:
12/12 SA DB Bicep Curl
12/12 SA DB Tricep Overhead Extension
* Adjust Weight to RIR 2