Pre WOD:
Level 3:
EMOM 10 min:
1, 5 Paused Ring Dips
2, 15 meter Handstand Walk (Obstacle if possible)
Paused Ring Dip: 1 sec pause at the top and in bottom
Level 2:
EMOM 10 min:
1, 5 Box Dips
2, 5-10 meter Handstand Walk
Level 1:
EMOM 10 min:
1, 5-10 Push Ups
2, 2 Wall Walks
4 min Amrap:
6 Toes to Bar
8 Burpee to Target
Rest 2 min
4 min Amrap:
6 Hang Squat Clean 60/40 kg
8 Box Jump 30/24 inch
Rest 2 min
4 min Amrap:
2 DB Power Man Makers 2*22.5/15 kg
5 meter DB Walking Lunges
2*22.5/15 kg
Rest 2 min
Post WOD:
Shoulder Accessories
3 Rounds:
60 sec Passive Supinated Hang
12/12 Banded External Rotation
12/12 Banded Internal Rotation