Endurance WOD:
Teams of 3:
1. 9000/8000 m Opt Erg
2. 45 rounds of Strict MiniCindish:
3 Strict Pull Up (L1: 3 Ring Rows)
1 Wall Walk (L 1: 10 Plank Shoulder Taps)
12 Reverse Lunges
1 Athlete in team works on Rower
1 Athlete in team works on MiniCindish
1 Rests
When both stations is completed the Score stops
Cap 38 min
Tri ERG:
Teams of 3:
1, 8000/7000 m Ski Erg
2, 16000/14000 m Bike Erg
3, 30 rounds of Strict MiniCindish:
3 Strict pull Up (L1: 3 Ring Rows)
1 Wall Walk (L 1: 10 plank Shoulder Taps)
12 Reverse Lunges
1 Athlete in team works on Ski Erg
1 Athlete in team works on Bike Erg
1 Athlete in team works on MiniCindish
Athletes can change at any time
Cap 38 min