Pre WOD:

A, EMOM 5 min:
1 Muscle Snatch+1 Hang Muscle Snatch 46%+ of 1 RM Snatch

B, 8 set*1 rep Squat Snatch 80%+


A, 3 sets:
5 Back Squats 80% (RIR 2)
3 High Box Jump

B, EMOM 15 min for max rep:
1, Opt Erg for max Cal
2, Box Jump Over Clear the Box 24/20 inch
3, Chest to Bar Pull Ups
4, Double Dumbbell Walking Lunges 2*22.5/15 kg kg
5, Rest

Post WOD:

Core 1:
E30 sec for 8 min:
1, 20 sec Hollow Flutter Kicks
2, 20 sec V Ups
3, 20 sec Rotational Side Plank Left
4, 20 sec Rotational Side Plank Right