Pre WOD:

Bar Muscle Up Progression
Level 1:
A, EMOM 9 min:
1, 5 Low Bar Muscle Up
2, 3 Hip To Bar
3, 3 Jumping Bar Muscle Up

B, 3 set*3 (Weighted) Strict Pull Up RIR 2

Level 2:
E90sec for 9 min (6 set)
1-2 Bar Muscle Up

Level 3:
EMOM 10 min: X Bar Muscle Up X= Your lowest number of Bar Muscle Up on any round


A, Bear Complex:
Power Clean + Front Squat +Jerk +Back Squat+Jerk from behind the neck 
Build Up to todays Heavy

B, Partner Amrap 15 min:
40/30 cal Row
20 Power Cleans 60/40 kg
30 Front Squats 60/40 kg
20 Push Jerk 60/40 kg
30 Back Squat 60/40 kg

Post WOD:

Shoulder Health:
3 Rounds for quality:
60 sec Front Rack Table Stretch
12/12 Seated DB External Rotation
12/12 Single Arm Leaning DB Raises