Pre WOD:

EMOM 5 min: 3 attempt HS Walk to Wall
or EMOM 5 min: 1-2 Wall Walks

E2MOM for 10 min: 7.5 meter Handstand Walk for max speed

2 sets for time: 30 m Handstand Walk (7.5 m Segment)
Rest 3 min in between sets


A, E2MOM for 12 min:
1, 5 Strict Press 80%(RIR 2)
2, 10 Wide Grip Bent Over Barbell Row RIR 2

B, Amrap 14 min:
20 Power Snatches 20/15 kg
10 Overhead Reverse Lunges 20/15 kg
200 m Run

– Rest 30 sec Between Rounds


Post WOD:

Zone 1-2 Training Option
Add 30-60 mn Zone 1-2 training on the Machine/Modality you feel like you need the most