Pre WOD:
Level 1:
15-10-5 reps for time:
Pull Ups 3
Wall Walks
Level 2:
15-10-5 reps for time:
CTB Pull Ups
7.5 meter Handstand Walk in between sets
Level 3: 21-15-9 reps for time:
CTB Pull Ups
15 meter Handstand Walk in between sets
A, EMOM 9 min: (Kriger)
1, X Deadlift 100/70 kg
2, X L Sit
3, Rest
X= Lowest rep/Sec on any round
B, Every 6 min for 18 min:
40/30 cal Row
15 Hang Power Cleans 60/40 kg
* Eeach set for time
Post WOD:
Zone 1-2 Training Option
Add 30-60 mn Zone 1-2 training on the Machine/Modality you feel like you need the most