Pre WOD:

A, 4 set*3 Rep Front Squat 88%/RIR 2
Adjust weight to where you could have done 2 more reps with no more than 1 deep breath between reps”””


A, For time:

A,  E90sec for 6 min: (4 set)
20 sec Handstand Progression

B, 25 min Amrap:
9 Burpee Pull Up
9 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 1*22.5/15 kg
9 m SA DB Overhead Walking Lunges 1*22.5/15 kg
2 Wall Walks
– 30 sec Rest between rounds

Thruster/OHWL: Alternate Arms each Round

Post WOD:

Core Capacity:
Tabata: E30sec for 5 min:
1, 20 sec Hollow
2, 20 sec Superman