Pre WOD:

Level 1:
EMOM 12:
1, 5 Attempt Handstand Walk to Wall
2, 5 Ring Push Ups
3, 5 Strict Handstand Push Up to Plate
4, Rest

Level 2:
EMOM 12:
1, 7.5 m Handstand Walk
2, 1-3 Ring Muscle Up/5 Ring Dips
3, 5 Strict Handstand Push Up
4, Rest

Level 2:
EMOM 12:
1, 15 m Handstand Walk
2, X Ring Muscle Up
3, 5 Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push Up
4, Rest

X= Lowest rep on any round


Every 5 min for 30 min:
1, Amrap 5 min:
8 Toes to Bar
12 SA Alt Dumbbell Snatches
1*22.5/15 kg
15 m DB Overhead Walking Lunges
1*22.5/15 kg

2, Amrap 5 min:
12/9 Cal Row
10 Lateral Burpee Over Rower
* No Rest in between Amraps 30 min
Continuous Work

Post WOD:

Zone 1-2 Training Option
Add 30-60 mn Zone 1-2 training on the Machine/Modality you feel like you need the most